FRC Robot Programming

Status Light Quick Reference

The robot has many ways of reporting its current status. For more detailed info, click here.

➠ Robot Status Light (RSL)


Code Meaning
Solid On Robot on and disabled
Blinking Robot on and enabled
Off Robot off, roboRIO not powered or bad RSL wiring

➠ roboRIO

roboRIO status


Color Meaning
Green Power is good
Amber Brownout protection tripped, outputs disabled
Red Power fault


Code Meaning
Two blinks Software error
Three blinks Safe mode
Four blinks Sofware crashed twice without rebooting
Constant flash Unrecoverable error
Solid on Unrecoverable error


Code Meaning
Off No communication
Red solid Communication with DS, no user code
Green solid Good communication with DS, user code loaded
Red blinking Emergency stop


Color Meaning
Off Outputs disabled
Orange Autonomous enabled
Green TeleOP enabled
Red Test enabled

➠ Motor Controllers

Color Meaning
Orange No output
Green Positive voltage output
Red Negative voltage output

If the controller's LED is blinking, then the output voltage is not 100%.